03 April 2010

Meet Sara!

Hi!  I'm Sara Rose and I author about a million other blogs and things.  I never have time to myself and it makes me want to tear my hair out.  But I used to be devoted to looking . . . . at least sane.  Now, not so much.  I've got two kids- a 4 year old E. and a 9 month old O.- and they are time consuming.  I'm a SAHM, a writer, a feminist, and all around fairly certain I have let myself go.

I don't shy away from a dress and heels, but my own style definitely leans more towards femi-boho-chic.  I like cozy knits, cute flats, and simple skirts that go with everything from a tshirt and cardi to a blouse.  I also love trouser jeans.  I love doing my hair/makeup/nails and keeping myself healthy.

After several recent huge bouts of illness and just L-I-F-E, I realized, Oh my GAWSH, I don't even look like me anymore.  All I seemed to do was switch from sweats and tees to other sweats and tees.  It's not even remotely cute.  Then I reminded myself that I haven't been feeling that great about ME and it was like  light went off in my head.

Rebecca and I go way back to high school but we only recently reunited as friends, say about two years ago.  We both love fashion, being moms, and being positive, so we wanted to put something out there that said "It's OKAY to want to look good for you!  It's okay for your kids to see you looking fab once in a while!"  neither of us iis advocating you overhaul yourself into something you don't even recognize, just someone you can smile at in the mirror everyday and go about the day with a spring in your step.

We realize no mom has a ton of time to herself.  Rebecca and I both work from home, are SAHM's, and we both home school. We have husbands with demanding jobs and busy lives.  So we know how hard it can be.  We've also both been on various places of the financial spectrum, so we're not going to be the ones to tell you to spend a fortune.  But we want you to look good. FOR YOU.

Reese Witherspoon is a mom I admire.  We're both self-admitted Type A's but she seems to really balance the whole feminine-comfy-yet-chic looks I am always trying to emulate.

Rebecca and I decided to embark on a 12 step program to get back to feeling fab.  So join in the fun too!


Sara Rose
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